MOON: What is the “Album: Dark Side of the Moon”?

19 December 2014

The Short Answer (TSA)

            “The Dark Side of the Moon” is the name of no less than 3 music albums.

The first, Pink Floyd’s (homepage) 1973 album — The Dark Side of the Moon.

The second, Medicine Head’s 1972 album – Dark Side of the Moon.

The third, The Flaming Lips 2009 album, which wasn’t exactly named “Dark Side of the Moon,” but sported the, somewhat, longer — The Flaming Lips and Stardeath and White Dwarfs with Henry Rollins and Peaches Doing The Dark Side of the Moon. The album is a track-for track “reimagining” of Pink Floyd’s Albums of the same name. (See, “first” above).

PEP Memorial Blog  — Dedicated to lovers of music and an absent friend.

by Mark Grossmann of Hazelwood, Missouri and Belleville, Illinois

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